What are yours???
Published on March 24, 2007 By Armbut In Windows Vista
Hey there. I'm just wondering for those who have Vista, what your Windows Experience Ratings are?

My Specs:
AMD Athlon 64 2 3800+ 2.0GHz--4.8
1GB PC4200 DDR2 Dual Channel RAM--4.5
ATI Radeon X1300 Pro 256MB--4.7 Graphics; --4.2 Gaming Graphics
160GB SATA 3.0GB/s Hard Drive

My Base Score is 4.2 (Gaming Graphics is lowest subscore)

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on Apr 17, 2007
Intel video editing but seems to run games and Vista64 well.


Curious.. what is the model CPU you are using that is 3.7 GHZ? I didnt think intel had dual core chips above say a 2.7 (or 2.x)?

on Apr 19, 2007
above say a 2.7

its probably an overclocked core 2 duo
on Apr 19, 2007
Intel Inspiron 5150 (purchased August 2003), main computer still runs like a charm thanks to my matrix fix

Intel Pentium 4 M 2.8GHz @ 908MHz (yeah, mass underclocked but no performance loss)
Toshiba 60GB 5400RPM IDE HDD
64mb nVidia GeForce FX Go5200 @ 235/470
512MB Samsung PC2700 DDR RAM

Not sure about individual scores (never checked), but overall score was 3.0 (I say was because I went back to XP after finding gaming near impossible on my machine with Vista)
BTW I get just over 3 hours gaming time on my laptop with those settings.

Believe it or not, with ngo video drivers for my card, I could actually run Aero Glass. So, those 'minimum requirements' for aero glass are... well... bullcrap
on Apr 19, 2007
The GeForce FX 5200 is the minimum requirement.
on Apr 20, 2007
well a DX9 card is the minimum, the FX Go5200 being at the bottom of the barrel, then yes, in that sense it is the minimum.

But Vista also states the video card must have at least 128MB of RAM and the computer at least 1GB of RAM for Aero Glass. I have 64MB video and 512MB system, no registry hacks, just a driver.

For those of you thinking "musta run really crappy then, being 1/2 the minimum requirements", no, it actually ran really smooth, hence why I was hesitant to go back to Windows XP. After playing a game or two (NFS Carbon, actual races were normal speed; GTA San Andreas was just slow overall)
My only problem is that being on an Inspiron 5150, speedswitch XP is a must, or at least clocking down is. In order to get Vista's power management to work properly for the throttling, I had to go into standby and come back out, afterwards the throttling worked fine.
on Apr 23, 2007

Looks like I might have a slight problem here. All I get is this:

Anyone know why I get no scores up, and what I can do about it?

on Apr 23, 2007
Looks like I might have a slight problem here. All I get is this:

This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 741x591.

Anyone know why I get no scores up, and what I can do about it?

first of all i would contact microsoft support and hope you dont get an indian person that you cannot understand (no offense to anyone that may be of that culture), then tell them what the problem is and hope they can help you fix it. Other than that, try doing a system restore or a Complete-PC Backup if your using Vista Ultimate. I hope i could help you out with this.
on Apr 25, 2007

Well, since System Restore is disabled, I guess that's out of the question...

I managed to pull some info from WBconfig, and I think I'm gonna cry now:

Your computer has a Windows Experience Index base score of 2.8

Your Windows Graphics Experience score is 2.8

nVidia Geforce LE 7300 w/256 DDR


on Apr 25, 2007
nVidia Geforce LE 7300 w/256 DDR

you only get a 2.8 on that card?????? WOW! Something is messed up here!

see if you have the most up-to-date drivers from nVidia for your card
on Apr 25, 2007

well, I see there's newer driver available. I'll give that a go, and hope for the best
Prolly wont affect my current score, since I can't "re-rate" from the Control Panel...

But, here goes nothing.

on Apr 25, 2007

Well, new driver didn't do diddley, so I had a go at Google and found the reason and solution.
TweakVI is the culprit. By default it disables access to the experience score plus all features related to this. I got full access once this option had been enabled
But my GFX score is still as crappy as before....

Component Details Subscore Base score
Processor AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 3800+ 4,8
  Determined by lowest subscore
Memory (RAM) 2,00 GB 5,7
Graphics NVIDIA GeForce 7300 LE 2,8
Gaming graphics 751 MB Total available graphics memory 3,1
Primary hard disk 75GB Free (86GB Total) 5,5
Windows Vista (TM) Ultimate


on Apr 25, 2007

Whuups.... forgot to post the solution - just in case anyone else runs into the same problem:

open TweakVI
Miscellaneous Tweaks
Change system folder settings
Control Panel Restrictions II
uncheck Turn off access to the Performance Center core section

If nothing changes, just reboot and all should be well.

on Apr 25, 2007
thanks for posting that, Snowman (i havent even installed that proggie but who knows, someone might have exactly the same problem)
on Apr 25, 2007
Snowman - To get a higher GFX score I always go into Windows Classic and 640x480 screen res. It works
on Apr 25, 2007
Windows Classic and 640x480 screen res

hah nice
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