Express yourself!
Published on September 11, 2006 By Armbut In OS Wars
The battle between Apple and Microsoft has been growing lately, as they are about to release new versions of their Operating Systems. So to the point of this article...Which OS are you most looking forward to in 2007?

Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) by Apple, or...

Microsoft Windows Vista by Microsoft?
on Sep 11, 2006
Well I'm more excited about Leopard, and I will be purchasing it when it's released. However, I am also excited about Vista, but I probably won't upgrade for a few months after it's released.

on Sep 11, 2006

I am a Mac user, but I work with .NET.

I think both will be great. And I hope that Novell and Sun come up with something good too.

on Sep 11, 2006
Sun is actually working on something called "Project Looking Glass".
on Sep 11, 2006
I have seen Looking Glass. It's good.

But they are not using it as their default GUI.

I think Sun should really come forward and promote Solaris more. It's a great OS.

on Sep 11, 2006
Probably Leopard. I doubt I'll be able to afford the upgrades necessary to run Vista, let alone the licence cost.
on Sep 11, 2006
I would have to get vista. Since I plan to work in IT field, I would have to keep up to new OS and software.
on Sep 12, 2006
I've been testing Vista for a while (MSDN subscriptions do a lot more than I thought they could...). I'd love to get my hands on a pre-release version of Leopard, but I'm not an Apple Developer...
on Sep 13, 2006
Really looking forward to both. But OS X wins it for me, I really love working on it than Windows.
I think I'll be holding off till lots of reviews come in for the final version of Vista, I don't want to end up with a WinME if it ever comes to that...
on Sep 14, 2006
Windows ME was a nightmare!
on Sep 18, 2006
Yes, I agree that ME was a horror. Give it a little memory to run something, and it never, ever gave it back!

For my birthday last year, my son (God bless him) gave me a MacMini, running OS X. I've since upgraded to the MacIntel Mini (I gave him back the PowerPC one he gave me....hmmm, I wonder if that was planned?) with an Apple 23" display and bluetooth wireless mighty mouse and keyboard. My God, but that thing is sweeet! You can't break Tiger with a ballpeen hammer! I also have a Dell, fully tricked out with a 3.6 Pentium 4 chip and enough storage and video to be able to handle anything that Vista might throw at it. I could run NORAD on my Dell, for cryin' out loud.

Here's my dilemma. I can run something called Parallels on the Mac, and split the harddrive so I can boot once, and "flip" from Tiger (well, Leopard) to XP and back again all day long without having to reboot. Does it get any better than that? But, Stardock isn't "for" the Mac, so there's the rub. I mean, I LOVE the skins and stuff, but ya gotta give OS X it's due. It can do anything that Windows can, except, maybe run Winzip. (It has its own called Stuffit.)

Which is better, then? I'll tell you this. When my current MacIntel gets older in a couple of years, I'll be looking at the 24" iMac as a replacement for everything because it'll be able to run both operating systems, and knowing the way that Apple does these things, it'll run just fine, thank you.

I'll never buy another Windows-based desktop again.

on Sep 18, 2006
My mom recently bought me a 24-inch iMac which has been blessed with 3GB RAM, a 500GB hard drive, etc. I loaded Vista RC1 and XP on it along with OS X Tiger and I am now using it as my primary system. I still use my Satellite when Im on the go, however. But anyway, this iMac is my dream come true. It is the fastest computer that I have ever owned, and it looks just as great. I know that I will get Vista when it comes out in January but Im actually considering getting a copy of Leopard as well for all my Macs...I guess im going against a family tradition by switching partially to Mac but oh well, a good OS is a good OS.
on Mar 06, 2007

I like vista, it seem very cool, I'll always have a place for MS in my heart (no matter how small it is).

software reviews
on Mar 06, 2007
I really want both lol. Vista would help me with IT, but a Mac would help with music and Graphics. I might even wait for a Multi-OS!